

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Day 30 - Wall


  1. Congratulations, you did it.. a full thirty days of abstracts that were very geometric and graphic and fun to follow. I am curious what you are studying at school and had forgotten to ever ask.
    all the best,
    Maggie - Eurydice

  2. Hi Maggie, thank you very much!

    I had a lot of fun and started appreciating more the shoting framework. Now I look around more carefully and before prssing the button a lot of thinking goes on. I do not know if this is the way to go, but I am happy as it is!

    I am a PhD student in mechanical engineering, I keep studying but only a particular topic. Hopefully I'll finish in few years and I will start the academia career (if my research will be good enough) :)

  3. Very well done on completing the challenge. You have some nice shots here. I like day 15 best - I very much liked the crop you used.
